Thursday, 12 December 2013

The excitement…

To each his own and with each one of us You communicate in a different way, creating a different feeling, a vibe unique to our souls to such a degree that it creates goose bumps that ripples right through to our flesh.

To me that vibe is excitement.
You get me all excited when I see a group perform a song to You in all their unique glory. A group of individuals that have found the gift You have placed within them and ran with it. The beauty of what You created is magnificently exciting!
The excitement I feel when I see a woman, complete in who she is – with a nose ring that draws attention to the fleshly beauty that You created.
The excitement I feel when I think about the future You have created for me. The potential it holds and that I myself can run with it.
The excitement and amazement that boggles my mind when I think of how perfectly in sync and to the last detail you plan meetings. “Chance meetings” where two people start a life-long journey in front of you.

And this excitement is perfect.
I know, because it takes away my appetite, it makes me feel beautiful, it gets me to a point where I can’t sit still and I just want to sing and dance and write…and be!
I know Your peace surpasses all understanding, but above all, Your excitement fills my whole soul with such vibrations that I can FEEL Your breathe within me! And I can see You smile and laugh out loud when You share a moment like this with one of your children. It's when they share in an emotion so intense that it comes close to the archetypical emotion that You Yourself created and experience.