Friday, 26 September 2014

The Ultimate Dreamer

I am the dream -
You are the dreamer God...
The colours of Your rainbow the mere start of your promise.
You are the Ultimate Dreamer,
and I - Your canvas...


Thursday, 25 September 2014

In Your Presence

…and within that I realise that you cannot force purpose, you cannot force destiny. It’s written within the seams of our days – not all over them.

Seek God. Revel in his presence. Love, worship, serve and pray – and He will take care of the rest. He mixes in the meaning. It is not something we can conjure up or create on our own. He is ever-present and builds the puzzle with all our little 6x4 photos. And it’s within those seams that meaning unfolds.

There’s no need for us to try. We only need to seek Him.

So God, I am done with worrying and trying to figure out what my purpose is in life. Why You created me or what it is I am supposed to do from 9-5 every day. Sure, there are dreams and wishful thinking, but none can give me the peace and happiness that I get from Your presence…

"Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes." Matthew 6 v 34

Thursday, 11 September 2014

The Benefit of the Doubt

After 2013 (which is a story of its own) I have a hard time trusting people. It is a lot easier to shut people out and be rude and afterwards apologise than being polite and giving a person the benefit of the doubt. Especially strangers.

It’s been nine months since 2013 – it should be the birth of a new era. And I have decided to give people the benefit of the doubt. Not in all cases. If there is even an inkling of doubt with someone’s intentions I walk (run, actually!) away. But I have decided in the very least to give my co-workers and family the benefit of the doubt. To just “be nice” and assume that their intentions are good and that they are also nice. (It sounds strange to not even trust your loved ones, but doubt has a sickening way of infiltrating even our most basic relationships.)

And with that…the very harsh realisation that I have not been giving God the benefit of the doubt. I have been expecting the worst around every corner. I’ve had faith in His existence, but not in His Good Nature. If ANYONE is PURE and ONLY good it’s Him! Even more than my best attempt at being a Samaritan, His ACTS (not merely His intentions) are out of love for us and unquestionable. And He cares – right down to the last detail. He has proven it over and over and over again. Why do I still expect only the worst in every scenario?

I’m sorry God for not always giving you the benefit of the doubt.

You deserve more – You deserve my undivided faith.


Monday, 8 September 2014

“There is power in the name of Jesus…”

How powerful You must be, if the mere mention of your name carries power. You promised that a quiet yes is all You need from us. Your ear is always on the ground.

And like Job said: You yourself only need a mere whisper to tame sea monsters or crush sea serpents. You are in the gentle, quiet whisper on the mountain. Your great power so majestic that anything louder will literally blow us away.

And therefore: even when You talk to us, You whisper. It’s a quiet whisper within. But loud enough that our souls can echo Your purpose and if we get used to Your voice – like a child, we grow in security and the comfort of Your presence… Your voice is life.

Friday, 5 September 2014


“It’s impossible to please God apart from faith. And why? Because anyone who wants to approach God must believe both that he exists and that he cares enough to respond to those who seek him. (Hebrews 11 v 6)

It’s that second part that got to me. Faith in His existence comes easily most days as I have been blessed to have been raised in a Christian home.  But James echoed that second part yet again:

“Say a quiet yes to God and He’ll be there in no time…”
(James 4 v 7-10)

“…that’s because God cares, cares right down to the last detail”
(James 5 v 11)

He said it.
He cares.
Who am I to question it?

So, I say yes.
My heart says yes.
My soul and my mind…


The Master Avenger

Sometimes we forget that you are at the front of this battle - that you have already won it. And although you are a God of love and peace, understanding, grace and acceptance - You are also a warrior. A warrior whose virtue is incomprehensible.
You will fight for the weary.
 Uplift the broken.
Cover the beaten and avenge the abused.

You are a lion, roaring – the hurt of this world affects you deeply!
You do not just sit by and watch. Your word proclaims: “The groans of the workers used and abused are a roar in the ears of the Master Avenger” (James 5, Message translation)

Thursday, 4 September 2014

"Find me here...

...Lord as you draw me near..."
Yet again your love is explained to me. This time at band practice as we sang "I surrender".

 It’s a begging for you to find me as I desperately search for you and long for your presence.
And it’s a promise that I don’t need to look for you –
you will find me.
You meet me – HERE.
I don’t have to climb a mountain or unravel a mystery to get to you.
You come to me.
And you draw me near…
you draw me in.